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Friday, June 6, 2014

Dress To Impress | Infinity for Girls

If there's one thing I don't like about kid's clothes it has to be the fact that they don't grow with your child. Especially the pieces you cherish the most seem to be the ones they always grow out of the fastest. Very unsatisfying.
When Infinity for Girls got in contact with me I was instantly hooked on the idea of a dress that does not only grow with your child (from size 4 to 10!), but that also can be styled in an almost infinite number of ways. I couldn't have asked for more. Although I'm not a dress person myself - I always have troubles finding dresses I like for the girls - these pieces are now a staple in their wardrobes and I hope that our summer will be hot enough to show them around! Not that it would be too important since these are staying with us for, what? another 4 - 6 years probably?, but a hot summer is better than no summer, right? Thank you, Infinity for Girls for bringing such an innovative idea to life!

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